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Omdat ook lafaards kanker kunnen krijgen


Biography ;

SubtitleOmdat ook lafaards kanker kunnen krijgen
Book LanguageDutch
Book TypeBook
DescriptionIn the face of such overwhelming statistical possibilities, hypochondria has always seemed to me to be the only rational position on life."

So begins this caustically funny and informative account of living with cancer from a self-professed coward who's nevertheless unafraid to take on the myths and taboos of the illness.
First diagnosed with cancer in March 1997, journalist John Diamond determined to chronicle the experience for the millions of people facing the same baffling process of diagnosis and treatment. His is a refreshingly clear-eyed take for those readers who likewise instinctively rebel when told that to "wage war with their cancer" they must chant, channel, laugh, breathe, group-hug, or sport a halo for sainthood or a medal for bravery. Diamond's is a distinctly more curmudgeonly stance.
With humor and intelligence, Diamond ex-
plains how he coped with dilemmas every person recently diagnosed with cancer must confront: the awkwardness of "telling"; the need to shrug off
the unearned mantle of "brave soul"; friends' sudden inability to speak openly; intrusions by well-intentioned purveyors of alternative health solutions; battles with good, bad, and indifferent doctors; dealing with treatment gains and setbacks; tension on the home front; and more. Most important, he describes how he's learned to live with uncertainty, the ultimate hallmark of the human condition.
A number one bestseller in England, Because Cowards Get Cancer Too is destined to become a classic in the literature of full-frontal assault on the body, next to such works as Jean-Dominique Bauby's The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and Robert Lipsyte's In the Country of Illness. Diamond's gorgeous writing, sense of wit, and fierce intelligence make this a reader's book as well as a road map for a journey that touches almost everyone.

From the Back Cover
Praise for Because Cowards Get Cancer Too
"John Diamond has performed a kind of miracle, by writing about his own cancer experience with wit, intelligence, style, good humor, and a flair for the dramatic that any novelist might envy. I read his book with great admiration--for it and for him--and am convinced that it will inform, comfort, and enlighten anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer, or has such a problem in their family. It should be must-reading for anybody about to face the medical establishment--and for doctors too."
--Michael Korda,
author of Man to Man: Surviving Prostate Cancer

"This book is a wonder. It is a fizzy, argumentative, angry, honest examination of what it is like to receive a diagnosis of cancer, to struggle through the statistics, myths, probabilities, uncertainties, and downright nonsense cluttering up the literature written about the disease, to be the recipient of its technologically impressive, often impersonal, and most scientific treatment and at the same time to be able and willing to write amusingly, informatively, and intelligently about it."
--The (London) Sunday Times

"Attacked by cancer, John Diamond has retaliated by writing what I think is the best book of his generation. Urgent, funny, unputdownable. It is a classic."
--Melvyn Bragg

"An eloquent, candid, unsentimental account of what cancer is, what it does, and how the author has dealt with his treatment for it."
--The Bookseller

"There are journeys none of us wish to take. But sometimes we must. John Diamond is the exquisite cartographer of a savage landscape. [His book], which will become a classic, is not only about the cruelty of cancer. It is about life as it is, arbitrary, brutal, and glorious. Read it with gratitude."
--Josephine Hart
Pages(niet ingesteld)
Notes224, diary style


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