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I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It


TitleI Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionI Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It? - The New Science of Self Discipline!

By Nick Hall, Ph.D.
CD Version - 8 Compact Discs + Bonus CD
Mp3-files VBR 160 - 320 kbps

Published by Nightingale-Conant

STOP not doing what you know you should do!

Unlock the biochemical code that will free you to EASILY achieve ANY goal - for the rest of your life!

You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren't achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility. One with the potential to transform your life in a dramatic way.

The typical excuses for not doing what you know you should - I'm too stressed out ? I don't have the time ? I don't have the energy, etc. - are, in fact, manifestations of a complex, interconnected web of psychological, chemical, and neurological factors.

When activated, these factors can effectively paralyze you - making it virtually impossible for you to take the actions needed to create change in your life.
In other words, even if you're highly motivated ? if you've got these internal circumstances operating, you AREN'T going to be able to do it.

But while the biochemistry may be complex, the solutions are actually quite simple.

Dr. Nick Hall reveals these solutions - and the fascinating science behind them - in I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It? One by one, he examines all 10 of the most common excuses for inaction, and gives you specific strategies for dealing with each of them. Strategies that address the biochemical root of the excuses, and obliterate them right then and there. You'll learn:

An extraordinarily powerful stress-fighting tool that very few people take advantage of

An easy way to instantly regain control and stay focused in an emotional emergency

6 things to do when you think you've taken on more than you can accomplish in the time you have

The mistake almost everyone makes when they organize their to-do list

A simple exercise that can instantly tell you which side of your brain is dominant at any given time

The first-thing-in-the-morning action that will literally reset your internal clock and have a profoundly positive impact on your energy level for the rest of the day (and it is SO easy to do!)
Just think of all the things you would be able to accomplish if you could break through the excuses that typically hold you back. I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It?, will give you an incredible arsenal of tools that will empower you to achieve any goal you desire.



Nick Hall, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized psychoneuroimmunologist who has conducted pioneering research dealing with the interrelationships between emotions and health. His research has been featured on "60 Minutes," "Nova," "Nightline," and the Emmy-Award winning television series, "Healing and the Mind," produced by Bill Moyers for PBS. Dr. Hall has been the recipient of two prestigious Research Scientist Development Awards, granted by the National Institutes of Health to only the top scientists in the United States. He directs the Saddlebrook Resort Wellness Center in Tampa, Florida, where he shows leading corporations and elite athletes how to deal effectively with personal and professional challenges.
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