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ARISE! - THE SubGenius video


NLP ; Video ;

TitleARISE! - THE SubGenius video
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionProduct Overview:
Vividly presents the LIVING SEED-WORD PROPAGANDA of DOBBS - Priced regularly at $60.00, this is an introductory price! NTSC only
Product Details:
"The Church of ?BOB?, now that?s something I can believe in!" - Dr. Richard Bandler

"You can?t believe in everything you believe." - J.R. ?BOB? Dobbs (The Saint of Sales)

The word of J.R. ?BOB? Dobbs and The Church of the SubGenius is finally available on DVD!! By now you know about NLP, DHE, NHR, the FBI, NSA and CIA. You?ve watched the BBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and NBC. Maybe you voted for JFK or LBJ. You?ve asked FAQs. You?ve complained about the IRS, and even drunk MJB. You know you can?t trust your HMO with your life, but you do. You might have tried LSD or DMT. (Especially if you?ve attended certain exclusive SubGenius gatherings!).
Some of you might even believe in GOD. More about ?him? later. By now you are wondering?.what three letters really truly hold the key? Well FYI dear friends, the answer is simple. The three letters that open up the great puzzles of ?life? are none other than ?BOB?.

The word of ?BOB? is the word of luck. ?BOB? shows us how to ?tilt? the universe in our direction, causing a ?luck vortex? to form around our lives, drawing in SEX and money, but most of all, giving us the ?SLACK? we need to enjoy it all now! But there is so much more!

When you purchase this DVD you will come to understand where your ?SLACK? is now, and who took it away! R.A.W., also known as Robert Anton ?bob? Wilson claims there are 26 conspiracies. TWENTY SIX TENTACLES is more like it, and when you follow them back to their source, you find they lead to your own brain! There they (it) hold(s) you in a grip of conspiracy imposed ?normality? and interfere(s) with your ?BOB? given sales ability!

This DVD is but a remnant of the SubGenius golden age, but its message is as powerful today as before J.R. ?BOB? Dobbs was slain by a ?crazed lone nut?? assassin! Most copies of this video have been destroyed, or, ?misplaced?, but the NLP Store has uncovered a limited number of copies during a recent trip to Malaysia. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, DON?T TELL YOUR PARENTS!
Here are just a few uses you will find for this DVD:

A complete blueprint for starting your own twisted cult. (Zombies not included)

Develop the ability to achieve untold success using Triple-Reverse Self-Sabotage?.

Create prosperity consciousness to the point where you?ll scream ?No more, Please?!!

Possession of this DVD may also be all you need to escape Earth in the Pleasure Saucers of the SEX GODDESSES during the coming end times.

Ah, if only we could explain it all. You?ll simply have to trust yourself and buy this DVD, knowing that prosperity and ?SLACK? is just a few clicks away.
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