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Guru Guide, the

The Best Ideas of the Top Management Thinkers


Business ; Coaching ; Management ;

TitleGuru Guide, the
SubtitleThe Best Ideas of the Top Management Thinkers
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionThe so simple it will leave other writers envious they didn't think of it first. Better yet, the Boyetts pull the task off well, avoiding the traps they could have fallen into, such as overemphasizing one or two prized gurus or using the material as a springboard to discuss their own theories. The ideas are presented simply but reasonably thoroughly, so the reader...comes away with a good understanding of the basic concepts that guru is purveying. The Boyetts provide syntheses, linking the gurus' ideas so that similarities and differences are clear. That's valuable since it's not common for business gurus, unlike more academic writers, to put arguments in context. The end result is quite spectacular, in its understated way: an easy-to-read, well organized look at modern management writing. If you're looking for a good guru, try them all in one place
Future Survey, June 1998
A splendid synthesis, creaming the best of the best. If you like the assemblage of grouped'll go bonkers for this collection

Across the Board, September 1998
Anyone who takes business seriously should rush out to purchase [this book]. The Boyetts have gathered their gurus into handy bunches. To their credit, they did not limit the list to the old standbys. The chapter on leadership presents just about everything everyone might have to say about being a great leader, along with caveats that following everyone's advice to the letter might lead to nothing at all. In a world that changes at the speed of light, it's a valuable place to go to slow things down and take the measure of what is actually going on. The Guru Guide is the book to keep the way you would keep a good book of maps, because it always pays to know exactly where you are going in the world of management thought

Industry Week, July 29,1998
Provides a clear, concise, and informative introduction to the most prominent management thinkers. [The Boyetts] show where the gurus ideas coincide and conflict, trace how the major management theories evolved, and provide a candid evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses. Organized for easy reading, each of the book's chapters focuses on a critical management issue
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