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Membership Sites Bootcamp


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TitleMembership Sites Bootcamp
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionIt's been years ago when this workshop took place. but still, there are many nuggets here for those who wants to build a membership site (known now as continuity program) which have recurring billing and continue income....
If you don't know what membership site is or don't really want to know about this, save your ratio.
Bootcamp on setting up and running successful Membership sites.

Conducted by Tim Kerber & Ryan Lee.
Includes presentations by Yanik Silver, David Frey, Jerry Clark.

Currently closed to new members. membershipsitebootcamp*com

Thinking of creating a membership site? Ryan Lee & Tim Kerber's Membership Site Bootcamp - a DVD course and a special audio interview with Jerry Clark, Yanik Silver, and David Frey.

Get paid once... or on a recurring basis?

You can sell a typical product or service and get paid once, or sell a membership account and get paid for as long as they will stay members. Tim Kerber and Ryan Lee, owners of several highly rewarding membership sites have agreed to coach YOU about all the inner secrets of successfully running membership sites.

Some of these were shared at a bootcamp that got the attendees so excited that they demanded that the breaks be cut short so that they could devour more content. The attendees were particularly excited because there was virtually no pitching and only solid actionable content.

Now is your chance to get hold of the great ideas and tips By far this is the most complete system that I have ever purchase this is full of great Information from minute 1 to the end. I paid $1500.00 for this Boot camp.
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