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Hameroff, Radin, Newberg, Woolf, Tuszynski, LaBerge, Ramachandran


Quantum Thinking ; Video ;

SubtitleHameroff, Radin, Newberg, Woolf, Tuszynski, LaBerge, Ramachandran
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionBy Diana Gussman Ph.D - See all my reviews
This box set is a must have for anyone who finds themselves constantly thinking about the bigger questions in life, unwilling to accept the stock answers inherited from our past. This title was made around the same time as "What The Bleep Do We Know" and has some of the same scientists, as well as quite a few others who will probably go down in history as the forefathers of the scientific pursuit of consciousness.

Many of the biggest names in the field (Hameroff, Radin, Newberg, Woolf, Tuszynski, LaBerge, Ramachandran) are allowed to fully elaborate on their research, theories, thoughts, and feelings, without their words being edited out of context to fit some filmmaker's silly theory, which is what other titles are often critiqued for. If you like your science served raw, straight from the source, with no middleman spin, this series is for you.

Francis Crick, co-discoverer of DNA, spent the final third of his life trying to solve the great mystery of consciousness, so it is no easy task. Nonetheless, the 20 scientists in this series have essentially dedicated their lives to the quest.

The great thing about this series is that it was not created with an agenda, which is the flaw in many titles, and which is antithetical to science itself. Some of the scientists argue persuasively that our brains can achieve a quantum state, and that this state would allow us to become entangled, or essentially become one with, each other, which would explain a lot of the feelings of connectedness we have. Others in the series offer complete counterpoints to this argument, with theories that at first sound even more impossible, but which may in fact turn out to be accurate, like Sevush's theory that each of our neurons is individually conscious, but that we need billions of them in order to amplify the signal enough to make our body move.

There are persuasive arguments from all sides, making this title a very balanced, in depth exploration of this exciting new field of study. I highly recommend it.
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