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Ageless Body Timeless Mind (Audio)


Health ; Quantum Thinking ; Audio ;

TitleAgeless Body Timeless Mind (Audio)
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
You are only as old as you think you are. It?s an old saying. But few people would take it seriously...even the scientists who are beginning to discover how true it really is, have trouble believing their own findings. Yet study after study confirms that people can transform their bodies with their beliefs. The more we understand about the power of the human mind and spirit to create the life-and the world-we believe in-the more we discover how truly amazing it is.

In Ageless Body Timeless Mind, Deepak explores the experience of health and aging. He discusses with you fascinating new discoveries in science, true-life accounts from his years of medicine practice, philosophy from great literatures and religions of the world, quantum physics-all interpreted with his boundless wisdom and common sense. As Deepak states, ?There is a secret core of meaning waiting to be discovered in every life, and those who find it are granted not only greater wisdom, but also greater joy in every day in everything they do...They are the true scientists and the real geniuses of longevity.? Listen to Ageless Body Timeless Mind, and you will be able among them.

Pages(ikke defineret)
Notes6 cassettes


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