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Best of the Best,The


Business ;

TitleBest of the Best,The
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionFor those of you who have never heard of me, let me be so bold as to tell you a little about myself. I have been called the "millionaire maker," helping people in hundreds of different businesses, industries, and professions.
I currently earn as much as $250,000.00 in a single month, providing unusual direct-response advertising and direct marketing advice, strategies, copywriting and marketing materials, video production and infomercials, and profit improvement. My clients range from solo entrepreneurs to huge corporations.
But let me cut right to the chase.
Over the past six years I have been asked by various clients to put many of my secrets down on paper for them to reference. To be perfectly honest, these same clients have literally paid me thousands and thousands of dollars for this advice. Did they squawk about paying me such large sums? Well, I did hear a little whining at times, but for the most part, these strategies put so much money in their pockets that what I usually heard was?Thank you, Dan.
So, I have gone back through my files and turned each of these documents into a confidential 'special report' that I am making available to all of my Inner Circle Members. Now, I'm sure you are skeptical. In fact I've been called the ultimate skeptic, so let me tell you the 15 reasons why you should be willing to crawl naked over broken glass to read "The Best of the Best of Dan Kennedy."
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