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Magical mind , Magical Body

Mastering the mind/body connection for perfect health and total well-being


Health ; Quantum Thinking ; Audio ;

TitleMagical mind , Magical Body
SubtitleMastering the mind/body connection for perfect health and total well-being
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionDiscover the Life-Giving Powers You Now Possess! A Perfect Balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit Is Your Birthright.

A Brief Interview with Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Editor's Note: Many great thinkers have realized that human thought has tremendous power, but their insights did not gain scientific validation until recently. Now, in this audio program, Deepak Chopra, M.D., one of the most exciting leaders of the mind body movement, tells you about your ?quantum mechanical body? ? the level where every thought is turned into a physical reality.

NIGHTINGALE-CONANT: Dr. Chopra, in simple terms, can you tell us how the mind-body connection works?
DR. CHOPRA: Your body is a 3-D projection of your current state of mind. Your slightest shift of mood is picked up by every cell, which means that you do not think with your brain alone ? all 50 trillion cells in your body actively share your thoughts. At the level of the quantum mechanical body, you are a constantly flowing river of intelligence.

NIGHTINGALE-CONANT: How powerful is the mind body connection?
DR. CHOPRA: Correctly channeled, it has enormous power ? the power to make us sick or well, depressed or joyful, sluggish or dynamic. The mind body connection is the gateway to unlimited creativity and happiness. Unfortunately, our society has not taught us how to use it.

NIGHTINGALE-CONANT: How can an individual make the mind body connection work on his or her behalf?
DR. CHOPRA: First, you must tap into it. To tap it, you must realize that you are not bound by the limitations of your body or mind. Intelligence is inherent in everything. You are pure potential waiting to be activated. That is the real you. And until you break free from your imaginary boundaries ? the product of years of false conditioning ? you cannot be totally free.
Drawing on a unique combination of modern science and the wisdom of Ayurveda, India?s ?ancient science of life,? I teach you how to achieve freedom beyond all boundaries. My goal is not to show you how to break down walls, but how to fly over them.

NIGHTINGALE-CONANT: What are just some of the specific benefits a person listening to this program receives?
DR. CHOPRA: I share with my listeners:
? The three basic forces that control their lives and how they can control those forces
? The seven secrets possessed by the most creative persons in all walks of life
? Eleven factors that cause premature aging and why they are totally unnecessary
? Invaluable techniques for assessing the body?s unlimited natural pharmacy, the key to perfect health and total well-being

NIGHTINGALE-CONANT: What was your guiding philosophy in creating this program?
DR. CHOPRA: I want my listeners to realize that the human mind is literally infinite. We project our awareness into the universe like a lighthouse. Every thought you have is felt by everything in existence. Can we afford not to take full advantage of that fact?
To think that you occupy just a few cubic feet of space is pure illusion. I try to get people to break this illusion. Once you have the deepest insight ? I am the universe ? nature can deny you nothing!
Pages(ikke defineret)
Notes6 audiocasssette program


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