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Rewiring the Coorporate Brain

Using the new science to rethink how we structure and lead organizations


Quantum Thinking ;

TitleRewiring the Coorporate Brain
SubtitleUsing the new science to rethink how we structure and lead organizations
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
Quantum Leadership seminar creator and author Danah Zohar offers a new conceptual structure and practical implementation ideas for transforming corporate thinking and leadership to fully utilize corporate brain capacity

Questions for Discussion:

1. Why do most corporate transformation programs fail? What does it really take to bring about a deep "paradigm shift"?

2. What are the three levels of transformation required in any company, and why won't it work to concentrate on only one level?

3. How are paradigms wired into our brains? Why do we need them? Why are they dangerous to us?

4. What are the three kinds of thinking the human brain can do and why is each important for seeing potential corporate infrastructures?

5. What is "quantum thinking" and how does it link the new science to corporate creativity? Why is it essential to rewiring the corporate brain?

6. What are some of the main principles of the new science and how do they relate to corporate leadership issues? What are the three essential features that distinguish the Newtonian and quantum scientific paradigms?

7. What does Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle tell us about the importance of questions and "I don't know" to corporate creativity?

8. What does it mean for a corporation to "be at the edge"? Why is coming to "the edge" necessary to rewiring the corporate brain?

9. Why should a corporate leader want to be at the edge between paradigms? Is there anything essentially wrong with the Newtonian paradigm? Shall we just get rid of it?

10. What are the chief characteristics of the western "self" and the western organization? The eastern "self" and the eastern organization?

11. How does the quantum model of self and organization help to bridge the gap between West and East?

12. How does dialogue differ from debate?

13. Why is dialogue an essential tool of quantum thinking and corporate neural rewiring?

14. What does the Servant Leader really serve? Why is servant leadership essential to quantum leadership?

Applying concepts of quantum and chaos thinking to the working world, consultant and educator Danah Zohar's Rewiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations offers revolutionary advice for achieving change in the workplace. Businesses should be operated like brains, she argues, utilizing all of the mental, emotional, and spiritual stimuli at their disposal. Ordinarily, however, most ignore the latter two and rely solely on one-third of their "corporate brains"--a shortcoming Zohar shows how to correct so that truly effective responses can be crafted for myriad corporate predicaments.
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Editor's Recommended Book
Applying concepts of quantum and chaos thinking to the working world, consultant and educator Danah Zohar's Rewiring the Corporate Brain: Using the New Science to Rethink How We Structure and Lead Organizations offers revolutionary advice for achieving workplace change. Businesses should be operated like brains, she argues, utilizing all of the mental, emotional, and spiritual stimuli at their disposal. Ordinarily, however, most ignore the latter two and rely solely on just one-third of their "corporate brains"--a shortcoming Zohar shows how to correct so that truly effective responses can be crafted for myriad predicaments.

Rewiring the Corporate Brain argues that we are moving away from a Newtonian to a complexity-based system and offers a new conceptual structure for a fundamental transformation in corporate thinking and leadership, together with suggestions for practical, structural implementation. Zohar, a noted author and speaker, writes with skill and breadth about the implications of new science, and remarkably brings her insights home in ways that are practical and applicable to the science and practice of organizational behavior and management. Rewring the Corporate Brain relates quantum and chaos thinking directly to organizational problems and challenges facing corporate leaders. It offers the human brain and its various thinking structures as the primary model for exercising the full creative capacities of the corporate brain.

Rewiring the Corporate Brain offers a genuinely new conceptual structure for a fundamental transformation in corporate thinking and leadership, along with suggestions for practical, structural implementation. Beautifully written, passionately and clearly argued, Rewiring the Corporate Brain makes new paradigm scientific thinking accessible, practical and inspiring to business readers.
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