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Self hypnosis


Hypnosis ; Audio ;

TitleSelf hypnosis
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
Description1. Weight Loss
This tape is one of the most powerful and effective guides to easy and effortless weight loss ever devised. It changes your desire for fattening foods into a desire for a slim, trim, more healthy and attractive you without willpower, diets, shots, or pills.

2. Stop Smoking
After using this tape you will be saying a permanent good-bye to cigarettes and a resounding hello to health, vitality and longevity, all without willpower and without gaining weight.

3. Relaxation
Learn to experience tranquility, serenity and profound relaxation whenever you want.

4. Banish Stress & Tension
Learn to cope with any situation in your personal or business life. Very compatible with tape number 3.

5. Improve Memory & Concentration
If forgetfulness is your problem, you can't afford to forget to order this one. Excellent for developing recall.

6. Better Study Habits
For students of all ages. An excellent cassette to use with tape number 5.

7. Exam Preparation & Overcoming Exam Anxiety
If you are a student, or if you have to take an important test, this tape is a must. Take your test with relaxation and comfort.

8. Freedom from Worry
Nothing is as self-defeating and nonproductive as worry. Banish it from your life forever with this tape.

9. Gain Self-Confidence & Overcome Shyness
An excellent way to gain self-assurance in all situations.

10. Insomnia
Enjoy deep, sound and peaceful slumber without pills, and never suffer sleepless nights again.

11. Conquer Procrastination
Don't put off ordering this tape! Do it and see what you've been missing.

12. Enhancing Creativity
Everyone has it within themselves to be genuinely creative. This tape teaches you how to tap the abundant resources of your unconscious mind.

13. Sexual Enhancement for Men
Learn to fully and freely enjoy the giving and receiving of sexual pleasure. Increase stamina and extend the lovemaking process. Everyone can benefit from the use of this sexual enhancement tape.

14. Sexual Enhancement for Women
Learn to fully and freely enjoy the giving and receiving of sexual pleasure. Release inhibitions and achieve climax easier. Everyone can benefit from the use of this sexual enhancement tape.

15. Eliminate Nail Biting
Enjoy the benefits of having attractively groomed nails by eliminating the embarrassing and unhealthy habit of biting your nails.

16. Improve your Golf
Jack Nicklaus, world renowned champion golfer said it best when he said "Every shot I make, I make first in my mind." Learn the secrets to dramatically reduce strokes off your game.

17. Improve your Tennis
Release the champion within by mastering the mental aspects of this game in order to maximize your physical potential.

18. Improve your Bowling
Experience the joys of effortless bowling as you learn the secrets to keep your frames consistent and high.

19. Exercise
An excellent tape to motivate you to do those particular exercises you know you should be doing, but don't.

20. Body Building
Designed to help you use your mind to naturally build the physique you want.

21. Perfect Health
It is your natural birthright to have perfect health. Claim it with the aid of this tape.

22. Assertiveness
You have your rights. Learn to stand up for them and say "no" when you want to with the aid of this excellent tape.

23. Speed Reading
Frustrated by your slow reading speed? Become the speed reader you have always wanted to be.

24. Public Speaking & Overcoming Stage Fright
Convert those butterflies in your stomach to useful resources that will enable you to speak easily and effortlessly. Yes, speaking in front of people can be fun!

25. Eliminate Anger
Do you blow up at the ones you love, only to regret it later? Master your emotions and become the loving person you truly want to be.

26. Eliminate Guilt
Guilt is self-defeating and absolutely useless, whatever the circumstance. Isn't it time to finally release that guilt for old unresolved issues?

27. Self-Psychoanalysis
A proven and effective way of gaining valuable insight into the origins of any problem.

28. Develop Enthusiasm
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote, "Enthusiasm makes the difference." Learn what a difference it will make in your personal and professional life.

29. Pain Relief
Aid yourself in the relief of nagging and persistent aches and pains without drugs.

30. Financial Success
This tape directs you automatically toward your financial goals by programming your unconscious mind for success and wealth.

31. Salesmanship
This tape will help you dynamically attract those people who want to buy your product.

32. Breast Enlargement A safe, natural way to a fuller figure.

33. Depression
Feel like tossing in the towel? This tape will revitalize your sagging spirit.

34. Past Life Regression
Have you lived before? Discover a past life with the aid of this tape.

35. Past Life Therapy
Reconstruct your present life by releasing yourself from the negativity of a past life.

36. Develop Your Psychic Ability
Have you ever thought that you had special talents, but didn't know how to refine them? This tape will provide access to your unconscious powers of psychic intellect.

37. Fear of Success
This can be a most sabotaging and defeating fear. This tape will help you let it go and reach for the success you deserve.

38. Fear of Failure
If you are afraid to fail, you may also be afraid to act. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Learn how to daringly venture into the unknown.

39. Fear of Water
Seventy percent of this planet is made up of water. Release your fears so you can enjoy the rest of this beautiful world.

40. Fear of Heights
There is nowhere to go but up after you listen to this tape! Release the self-defeating fears that keep you from enjoying life at all levels.

41. Fear of Flying
After you listen to this tape you can celebrate the conquering of this fear by flying to visit your friends and family all over the world!

42. Fear of Crowds
Enjoy the benefits of being in a crowded public place and loving every minute of it.

43. Fear of Closed-in Places
You will be riding in elevators and enjoying crowded places after you listen to this tape.

44. PMS Relief
We can't eliminate the menstrual cycle, but we can assist you in finding relief from the sometimes unwanted feelings that accompany it.
Pages(ikke defineret)
Notes44 tracks


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