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Unlimited Selling Power (audio)

Thrust, Rapport, Interest, Influence


Hypnosis ; NLP ; Eriksonian ; Business ; Sales ; Audio ;

TitleUnlimited Selling Power (audio)
SubtitleThrust, Rapport, Interest, Influence
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionEricksonian techniques enhance a saleperson's success rate in this ultra-modern book on hypnotic skills for selling. Learn how to put your prospects in a buying mood, and complete more sales than you previoously thought possible.

You'll` learn :
- The secrets of verbal pacing, attention focussing statements, mental judo, and hot words
- Four ways to send irresistible suggestions
- Strategies for controlling what your customer will remember and what they will forget
- Three mesmerizing introductions that grab attention and hold it

The secrets of conversational hypnosis in a form you can listen to in
your car as you drive to work in the morning. Ericksonian techniques
enhance a saleperson's success rate in this ultra-modern book on
hypnotic skills for selling. Learn how to put your prospects in a
buying mood, and complete more sales than you previoously thought
- How to use story telling and the ten most effective types of sales stories
- Techniques for using metaphors to create totally unforgettable word pictures
- Key questions to get you the information you need to close more sales
- Powerfull lessons from the worlds greatest sales professional
- Proves sales scripts for knock -out sales presentations
- Self hypnosis strategies for unlimited self-confidence and profesionalism

Unlimited Selling Power is the result of 11 years of research on more than 200 sales professionals who make more than $100.000 a year. The authors discovered that the direct link to sales stardom is in the indirect method of communication and persuasion employed. Most of the professionals studied, were ( if they were aware of it or not) masters of conversational hypnosis

This conversational hypnosis is the most effective way for gaining the customers attention and building thrust, the cornerstone of all successful sales transactions.

Conversational hypnosisis simply the most powerful system in existence for mastering the verbal and non-verbal communications skills that bring people to their ultimate state of receptiveness

You will learn how to instantly get 'in sync' with your customers- to engender thrust, rapport interest and influence. And you leave your customers describing your sales presentations as mesmerizing and unforgettable.
Pages(ikke defineret)
Notes6 audiocassettes


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