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Ageless Body Timeless Mind (Audio)

A Quantum Alterative To Growing Old


Health ; Quantum Thinking ; Audio ;

TitleAgeless Body Timeless Mind (Audio)
SubtitleA Quantum Alterative To Growing Old
Book LanguageEnglish
Book TypeBook
DescriptionRead by Deepak Chopra.
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind goes beyond current anti-aging research and ancient mind-body wisdom to dramatically demonstrate that we donot have to grow old!
Dr. Chopra shows that, contrary to traditional beliefs, we can learn to direct the way our body and minds metabolize time and actually reverse the aging process, thereby retaining vitality, creativity, memory and self-esteem.
In a uniue program that includes stress reduction,dietary changes and exercise, Chopra offers a step by step individual tailored regimen for maximum living in exceptional good health. For the young at heart , here is the most remarkable approach yet to achieving unbound physical and spiritual potential.
Pages(niet ingesteld)
Notes2 cassettes


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