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Art of Selling Yourself


Business ; Sales ; Audio ;

TitleArt of Selling Yourself
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionIt really is all about you and improving the way you present yourself, declare the husband-and-wife Beckwiths (Selling the Invisible) in this refreshing career primer. Unlike many similar books, this is not an autobiography masquerading as wisdom. The Beckwiths stay out of the book except when Harry's experience as a bestselling business writer and head of a marketing firm or Christine's as an award-winning speaker and cancer-survivor is directly relevant. Instead, they offer practical advice for effective and memorable interpersonal interactions. Above all, they stress communicating with brevity and clarity?suggesting that every document be cut in half before sending and giving 30-minute speeches in 22 minutes. Their own prose is pared down to short, readable lessons on topics like the importance of making good first impressions and the secrets of successful selling, which they describe as the artful handling of information, presented with forethought and enough passion to be persuasive without making anyone uncomfortable. Readers at the start of their careers or in need of an inspirational brushup will find much of use. (Mar. 1)
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