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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for People With Cancer


Cancer ;

TitleCognitive Behaviour Therapy for People With Cancer
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionBook Info
Maudsley Hospital, UK. Second edition of the text, Psychological Therapy for Patients with Cancer, c1989. Studies the current evidence for the effect of psychological state on survival and the efficacy of CBT in cancer. For mental health professionals working in oncology and healthcare professionals interested in psychological management.

Book Description
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) has established itself as the psychological treatment of choice for many conditions. It offers a brief, convincing, commonsense approach to the emotional problems faced by people with cancer, and there is considerable evidence for its effectiveness. Since the first edition of this book in 1989 (published as Psychological Therapy for Patients with Cancer) there have been many developments in cognitive therapy and psycho-oncology which have been incorporated in the new edition. The current evidence for the effect of psychological state on survival and the efficacy of CBT in cancer is reviewed. Using a cognitive behavioural model to understand reactions to cancer, the authors present cognitive, behavioural, emotional and interpersonal interventions to help people adjust to the threat to their life and their view of themselves. Case examles illustrate how these techniques are used to reduce anxiety and depression, induce a fighting spirit, teach effective coping skills and develop open communication between patients and their partners. Mental health professionals working in oncologu and health care professionals interested in psychological management will find this a useful source for psychological techniques that can be applied in a busy clinical setting.
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