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Fear of the Invisible


Medical ;

TitleFear of the Invisible
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionThis is the story of a ten-year investigative journey into a reckless and contaminated medical industry. The author takes her readers on a journey into the very heart of the hunt for viruses - to the key experiments that were performed to prove that these invisibly small particles cause diseases that often were previously blamed on toxins or bacteria. It sheds light on the extraordinary assumptions underlying much of this research into viruses - and the resulting vaccines and antiviral medicines.

The author, an investigative journalist who has researched and produced investigative films for the BBC, American and Australian television, was asked by parents whose children had fallen severely ill after vaccination to discover if the medical authorities might be hiding anything from them. She agreed, but had no idea how long this search would take or how it would change her ideas.

She expected at best to uncover a small degree of vaccine contamination. But, on the ensuing journey of discovery, she found top government scientists reporting alarmingly, at meetings between scientists, that it is impossible to purify vaccines. They stated that the childhood vaccines of today are contaminated with viruses from chickens, humans and monkeys, with RNA and DNA fragments, with "cellular degradation products," and possibly "oncogenes and prions."

They say they dare not tell the pubic about all this contamination - as they might demand a withdrawal of the vaccines. One doctor at these meetings said that if the 'Greens' heard what they were reporting, they would demand the ending of vaccination.

There is much research here that will be totally new and horrifying to most readers. The author cites, for example, a senior World Health Organization (WHO) scientist reporting that the MMR vaccine is contaminated with chicken leukosis virus, and that they have decided not to tell the public and to continue to make the vaccine with eggs from contaminated chickens. She also cites a report from a major MMR vaccine manufacturer stating that their vaccine is contaminated with cellular degradation products - and cannot be cleansed. It seems they stay silent with the public because to confess this would reveal that they cannot purify the vaccines given to our children.

A US court decision in 2008 has linked autism with vaccine contamination.This is not surprising given the degree of contamination documented here - contamination that seems inevitable given how the vaccines are manufactured using cells from slaughtered wild monkeys, chicken embryos and cancers. The author cites her sources by name - and gives references and Internet links where they are available.

She also gives evidence on how US biowarfare researchers have tried to create new agents to destroy human immune systems - and reported working on a bacterium to make it a hospital superbug. Did they manage to create HIV? Obama's pastor might have thought so - but what is the evidence for this? The author critically examines this - and the evidence for another theory put forward to her by a senior professor. he said that HIV may well have contaminated the polio vaccine. She learns that chimps were used in vaccine manufacturing so widely that HIV could easily have spread in a vaccine without any need for military intervention. She then set out to find why HIV spread so far and so fast. Was it in a vaccine? She needed to know more about HIV so went to the foundation research widely held today to have found this virus and proved it caused AIDS.

She was then rocked to discover that this key HIV research had been investigated for scientific fraud by powerful US scientific institutions and by Congress between 1990 to 1994. Why is this not widely known? These inquires reported major errors in this research, with some errors so serious that they said they made it impossible to repeat the key HIV experiments and verify them! She reveals the evidence unearthed - reproducing key documents so the reader can assess their importance for themselves. This is explosive material.

She reports finding to her surprise that the faults in researching HIV apply also to other viruses. She goes to the key experiments and discovers that it is very difficult to find any in which pure samples of viruses are produced and proved to cause particular human diseases. If they cannot purify viruses for use in vaccines, it seems they cannot produce the pure cultures needed to link with certitude viruses with diseases. This means that many illnesses may be misdiagnosed.

The book discusses in detail the defense made of the HIV/AIDS hypothesis. In 2007 senior HIV experts testified again and again - 'It is not just HIV we do not isolate. We don't isolate other viruses.` They described how they today produced the flu and measles virus without ever isolating or seeing any viruses. The author also shows how measles virus is produced according to the latest CDC guidelines.

Extraordinarily, at no point in this process, during which cells are poisoned and made cancerous with chemicals or radiation, is the virus itself actually detected and identified.

The book critically examines the evidence for various aspects of HIV theory, such as sexual transmission, the different clinical definitions of AIDS, why AIDS is said to be caused by HIV and at the same time is said by US and UK government Health Authorities to happen in the absence of HIV, and why the HIV test picks up on different diseases in the West and in Africa.

In the final part of this book the author reports recent research that is revolutionizing biology and offering much hope for the future. These new developments shed new light on the relationships between our cells and viruses. They are not necessarily enemies. Readers may find these new developments will radically change the ideas they have held about viruses all their lives.

The preface is contributed by Dr Roberto Giraldo. The book has hundreds of scientific references, a scientific glossary and index.

From the Publisher
Janine Roberts has a long history of taking on tough investigations - and this she believes is one of her toughest.

Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party candidate for US President in 2008 and former Senior Democrat Congresswoman, said of the author: 'Janine Roberts is the rare individual who unflinchingly speaks truth to power. She battles her way through all obstacles and provides us with a glimpse of those who are in the innermost circles of global power... She exposes what they do and how they do it and how it comes to hurt us all. She gave testimony for me at a Hearing in Congress that was shocking in its revelations but thorough in its documentation... I count myself among the privileged of this world to know Janine and her works.'

Dr Roberto Giraldo reported of this book that it is written 'in elegant detail and in a most accessible manner'. He also said: 'It is very comforting to read in Fear of the Invisible: 'We have all been taught to greatly fear viruses - yet scientists are now discovering that they are fundamental parts of live, made by the million by all healthy cells. I hope this book will help by combating this fear, this damning of the invisible because we do not understand it. Without this fear, hopefully the focus in medical research will shift to looking more at the environmental toxins that really do put us, and our world, gravely at risk."

The word ?virus' comes from the Latin for a poisonous liquid, and before that from the Sanskrit for the same. The hunt for them started when, towards the end of the 19th century, it was suggested that invisible living particles much smaller than bacteria might cause the epidemic illnesses for which no bacterial cause could be found. When the electron microscope found tiny particles in the blood serum of patients entering and leaving human cells, this was a Eureka Moment. The prediction was surely about to be proved true. These particles were assumed to be invading and hijacking our cells in order to reproduce. They were thus all condemned as poisons, as ?viruses.'

As more of these were searched for and found in sick people, many illnesses became blamed on them. They became the invisible enemy, the nano-terrorist we must fear. We were instructed that one of our first duties for our newborn children is to vaccinate them against this dreaded foe. Thus was created an ever-growing multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry.

But, as I have travelled through the science that underlies this industry, I have gradually learnt to ask questions. I now realise that there is another way to see this story that fits all the data. I have learnt from biologists that our cells naturally produce viral-like particles without being invaded or infected, both when healthy and sick. Currently such particles are named by asking what illnesses they cause as if this is their raison d'
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