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Pickup Artist Season 1 & 2,The


Video ; Seduction ;

TitlePickup Artist Season 1 & 2,The
Book LanguageUnknown
Book TypeBook
DescriptionThe Pick-up Artist will be debuting its third season in the heat of the 2010 summer. The PUA is an American reality show on VH1 which focuses on a group of eight or nine male contestants who have historically been unsuccessful in love and relationships learning the art of the "pickup" as taught by seduction artist Mystery (Erik von Markovik) and his wings.[2] The first season featured "wings" J-Dog (Justin Marks) and Matador (Stan Tayi), and in the second season, J-Dog was replaced by Tara. In eight episodes, Mystery teaches the contestants with guidance and training to meet potential mates in various locations, such as coffee shops and night clubs. The contestants of the show compete with each other through a series of challenges. Most of the challenges on the first season involved picking up women in different situations, such as on a bridge during the day or in a nightclub. Some of the challenges were more novel, such as the second to last challenge (in the first season) where the men had to pick up a stripper, described by Mystery as "the ultimate challenge".
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